Hello, everyone. Thank you for inviting me to this group. I try to introduce myself, because probably most of you do no know me. I am president of NPO “Yume-Sodate”, based in Tokyo, in which we, including Mr. Jun TOYAMA, try to grow up the dreams of the people with difficulties, and also President of Maruka Transportation & Warehouse Co. Ltd., as well. I am a father of an intellectually retarded 17 years old boy and a Trainer of IE standard (IE1, 2, 3/3) and Assessor of LPAD, using these tools for intellectually retarded people in order to create a model of "full inclusion to the society" with "learning for life" (ongoing experimentation with TOKYU department store). I really wish to learn from the experience and knowledge of this group for these objectives. By the way, in the past, I was a governmental officer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1988-2005 and the OECD 1997-2001. Graduate of Kyoto Univ. and Institute National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (AgroParisTech). Hoping for good exchange with all of you. Thank you. maekawa@yume-sodate.com

Posted by tetsuya at 2021-05-31 08:26:37 UTC